Principal's Note
Pupils and staff returned from the half-term break feeling refreshed and ready for the second half of the Spring term. Over the coming weeks, we look forward to exploring opportunities to embody academy values across the Boulton community: showing respect for pupils of all faiths and none as we approach Ramadan, Holi and Easter; helping our pupils to show perseverance in their studies, especially our Year 11s as GCSE exam season draws near; and encouraging all pupils to employ curiosity in the many educational visits and activities planned for the next half-term.
Mr L Cole, Principal
Ramadan - Arrangements and Expectations
Many Ark Boulton community members will be participating in Ramadan over the next month. All pupils are expected to balance their learning and faith without withdrawing from important academy experiences. We have made the following adjustments to support all pupils:
- PE activities will be less strenuous (Table Tennis, Gymnastics and Netball) and additional breaks will be factored into lessons
- Pupils will have the opportunity to pray during lunch time on Monday – Thursday and on Friday at the end of the day at 1.40pm (not during break, as there will not be sufficient time)
- Our Monday – Thursday Brunch offer will be suspended during Ramadan
- Lunch will be available every day and Brunch available on Fridays. Pupils in receipt of free school meals will have the opportunity to take a packed lunch home each day if not eaten in school.
Our expectations for all pupils during Ramadan are outlined below:
- All pupils must participate in all lessons, including PE and Music
- Educational visits (trips) are part of pupils’ learning and cannot be opted out of.
Educational Visits (Trips)
To supplement pupils’ learning, we have many exciting educational visits planned over the next half-term and especially next week. A reminder of key dates is included below for your convenience.
Date | Time | Visit Details | Pupil Cohort |
Monday 3rd March | 8.10am - 4.30pm (approx.) | Visit to Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes | Year 9 |
Tuesday 4th March | 11.45am - 4.00pm (approx.) | Macbeth at the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham | Year 10 Motivation, Reflection, Resilience and Year 10 GCSE Drama pupils |
Wednesday 5th March | 11.45am - 4.00pm (approx.) | Jekyll & Hyde at the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham | Year 10 Determination, Integrity, Kindness and Year 10 GCSE Drama pupils |
Wednesday 5th March | 7.45am - 5.30pm (approx.) | Ark Athletics Championships at Lea Valley, London | Year 9 (small group) |
Friday 7th March | 8.00am - 1.00pm | GCSE PE Moderation at Ark Victoria Academy | Year 11 GCSE PE pupils |
Community Clinic
The next Community Clinic will be held at 9.45am on Friday 28th February. This week’s theme is Family Support – exploring the support available to our families from school, the local authority and external agencies. All parents and carers are welcome. If you are planning to attend, we would be grateful if you would sign in at Reception upon arrival.
Contact Us
You can request an appointment with Form Tutors, Teachers, Heads of Year and other key staff members at any time through our Enquiry Form.
Dates for your Diary
Boulton Round Up - Autumn 2024-25
A recap of some of the highlights of the Autumn Term 2024 - 2025