Principal's Note
Welcome back to all for the start of the Spring term. I am pleased to share that the next six weeks are packed with exciting sports fixtures, educational trips and a wide range of events such as Year 8 Parents’ Evening, Year 9 Speed Careers Networking and the Ark Music Gala, ‘Sing into Spring’.
Simultaneously, our assessment schedule continues at pace and Year 11 pupils will be sitting their Mock GCSE Exams from Monday 10th February to Friday 7th March. Please look out for additional information on revision sessions and exam timetables over the coming weeks.
Your support is crucial and valued as we work together as one community to provide the excellent standard of education deserved by all Ark Boulton pupils.
Mr L Cole
Pupil Laptops (Chromebooks)
As shared before the end of the Autumn term, please be reminded that that all pupils should now bring their Academy laptops / Chromebooks to school every day. This is to optimise pupils’ learning experience and ensure that they can access all necessary resources in order to fulfil their academic potential.
Personal devices are not permitted on school premises, as they cannot be connected to our secure school network.
Pupils who have not yet been issued with an Academy laptop or need to request repair of their existing device should speak to their Form Tutor.
Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Chalk, Assistant Principal, through our Enquiry Form or
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Year 8 Parents’ Evening is taking place on Thursday 16th January. This is a valuable opportunity for parents and carers of Year 8 pupils to meet with key staff members to discuss their child’s progress.
Appointments are available from 4.20pm to 6.30pm and should be booked through the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) app. You can log in to MCAS here.
If you do not have an MCAS account, please email and we will be happy to support you in setting this up.
The Year 8 Parents’ Evening Letter will be shared with relevant parents and carers directly and may also be found on the Letters page of the academy website.
We look forward to seeing you on 16th January.
Autumn Term Highlights
We love to share our good news with you. If you would like to enjoy some of the highlights from the Autumn Term, please click here to read the Boulton Round Up (Autumn edition).
Boulton Round Up - Autumn 2024-25
A recap of some of the highlights of the Autumn Term 2024 - 2025