We believe that wearing a smart school uniform is an important sign that our pupils take pride in belonging to Ark Boulton Academy and are willing to take part in all aspects of school life.
It is expected that all pupils will travel to and from the academy every day in neat and clean uniform, giving the clear message to the public that our pupils take pride in belonging to the Academy.
Anyone who fails to do so will be sent home to change their uniform or kept out of lessons for the day.
Uniform requirements
The following items are branded and need to be purchased from our Uniform Supplier:
- Blazer
- Jumper
- Tie
- T-shirt for PE
Additional uniform items include:
- White shirts (short or long sleeves)
- Skirt / trousers (navy)
- Navy jogging bottoms for PE
- Black tights or ankle socks (leggings are not be permitted)
- Plain black school shoes
- A school bag which is suitable for carrying books, pencil cases and any other items required for learning.
Lost property
We ask that all clothing is named, including shoes, so that lost items can be returned to their owner. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables. All mislaid items are placed in the lost property box located in the school office. Please ask the school office if you wish to look through this box. We endeavour to return all named property, but give unclaimed lost property to a local children’s charity at the end of term.
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform suppliers are Mansuri and Clive Mark
The closest stores are:
Mansuri Stratford Road Store, 764 Stratford Rd, Birmingham, B11 4BP
Telephone: 0121 778 2787
Clive Mark Schoolwear, Units 1-2 Anderton Road, Small Heath, B11 1TG
Telephone: 0121 459 4599
Second-hand items
Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school office. We host regular second-hand uniform sales where good quality items can be picked up for low cost.